News ID: 1329
Publish Date : 13 December 2017 - 11:26
KhodroCar reports;

No New Production Centers Has Been Offered to Renault

Two days ago, Mohsen Salehinia, Deputy Minister of Industry Affaires said that “Bonro” production site will not be given to Renault, but they will offer two new production sites to Renault.
KhodroCar – About one month ago, Khodrocar news website published a news about cancelation of Bonro as the production center of Renault, however, at that time, none of the authorities was willing to confirm this.

However, at that time Deputy Minister of Industry didn’t confirm the news but two weeks later, Salehinia told Khodrocar that there are some problems about the assignment of Bonro production center to Renault. 

This week Salehinia announced during an interview: "Two other production centers will be offered to Renault. Bonro stocks are owned by several Saipa subsidiaries, who they have not been agreed for the assignment of these production center as a Joint Venture to Renault and IDRO.

Just one day after Salehinia’s interview, IDRO’s CEO which owns 20 percent of Renault’s joint venture stock told Khodrocar: "Everything about suggestion of two new production centers to Renault is all wrong.”

It’s not clear that the Chairman of IDRO wants cover the problems of the Renault’s contract or he is really unaware of the details. Whatever it is, the situation shows an inconsistency among the deputies of the Minister of Industry.